The unification of the Weak force within hadrons and electrons

Consideration must be given to atomic processes if we are to understand the features of atoms that reveal the atomic processes responsible for forming atoms from light. This is not easy to understand because the processes are happening within the atomic structure of the nucleus. The quark exchanges in Up and Down quarks and the formation of a proton from a neutron.

If we explore features of a single atomic exchange without looking at the time required for the exchange to occur. Then we can start to explore what features of the exchange maintain the zero-point state within the singularity. This is the most stable form of the atom. It occurs when the atom has an equal number of protons and neutrons. It occurs when the atom has an equal number of positrons and electrons. It is a way in which to explore the mirror symmetry within the atom through the logical framework, where the singularity acts as a pinhole camera. Where both sides need to match perfectly in order to be balanced. So it is like looking into the mirror in the bathroom. The image looking back at you is inverted by 180 degrees. Where every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is the mirroring through the pinhole at the centre of the atom and this is the singularity that inverts the image of one side to the opposite side.

Here I discuss the gluons being surrounded by the Mesons and how the three quarks are arranged in a way that looks like two inside of one.