Photon bubble

The photon bubble contains a positron (+1) red on the outside and (-1) blue on the inside and an electron (-1) blue on the outside and red on the inside (+1). They can exchange through inversion through a central point, the singularity. Ever action has an equal and opposite reaction to maintain the zero mass and zero charge state of the photon. It creates a wavelength that has a frequency of exchange of the magnetic and electric properties of the photon bubble. The wavelength is the size of the golden bubble. The radius of the bubble determines the frequency of exchanges between positron and electron. This bubble concept for the free photon was developed to explain the following observation in the video below, which shows light coming out of an atom. Photons are used by enzymes to communicate with one another. Biophotons in cells is a form of regulatory communication.

Photon bubble

Photons. Light. Electromagnetism.

Light has an important role to play in the creation of the universe and in the creation of atoms. In Einstein’s most famous equation E=mc^2 the light c is connected to the mass of the atom to give energy. What is interesting about this equation is the mass energy equivalence. What that means is that light contained in atoms creates the mass observed. How can light be contained in atoms? It is the energy between different points within the atomic structure. Imagine a universe that is occurring within a single atom. The best way to make an atom as big as the universe is to use the inverse square law. By looking at the rearrangement of the mass energy equation we can see the following m = E/c^2 and c^2 = E/M. I consider the light square to be essentially the same as E/M or electromagnetism. The right-hand rule o electromagnetism. The electric field and magnetic field are interacting at 90 degrees to each other making a photon of light or c. In the c^2 scenario the light is travelling in opposite directions to maintain the point at the centre having a balance of opposites. Wherever action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is how the universe maintains the zero point. The lowest energy state but also enables transformation without using additional energy. The energy is maintained within the structure of the universe itself.

The image above places a zero point within the centre of each atom. The E and M are placed at right angles to one another to form a cross of E/M and -E/-M, where the Y axis is E and -E and the X axis is M and -M. This provides a single atom s orbital geometry of 4 points having both electron and positron in the atom s orbitals. The M and -M give the positron and electron and E and -E give the positron and electron.

This model is a single atom model. It is a light-based model for single atoms. In this model M is not mass it is magnetism because light is electromagnetism. The rearrangement from the mass to the magnetism provides the contextual framework for quantum tunnelling and entanglement present within the atom between the quark and electron or quark and positron that is associated with the W Boson decay and the Weak force. It provides a new way of looking at atoms. The formula m = E/c^2 provides the conceptual framework for energy containing light. The magnetic field provides a containment system for producing a form of light that we consider as matter. It is the quantum tunnelling and entanglement processes that convert light (photons) into light in atoms that requires a specific geometry to facilitate the formation of atoms. That geometry happens to be a cross, and this provides 90 degrees alignment between E and M and the basis for photon orientation within s orbitals in atoms.

The E and M locations provides a distance between two points. Halfway between those two points (E and M) there is a centre, and, in that centre, there is no mass and no charge, no space and no time (The atomic singularity). This is the Planck length Epoch within the atom and the origin of light dynamics. This is the singularity measured at Planck scale, eliminating time and provides a lens to view atomic structure via light parameters. It identifies both location and speed within a single atom. All roads lead to Rome as the saying used to go. Now it is all particles want to find home or go to the centre of the atom. All particles fall in love with the centre of the atom. It is the point that does not change, and it is the point that acts as the reference to all other locations within the atomic structure. Understanding the point where there is nothing is important in order to understand why everything is located where it is. We no longer need to make measurements, as the energy used to make a measurement changes the structure of the atom and the orientation and position and speed of the particles no longer resides at their specific locations they can be found at when at rest. The centre of the atom provides the basis for understanding atomic structure.

It is the proximity to the centre of the atom, in the SUSY inversion model, that amounts to understanding both time and mass as well as charge and space. It is as if all atoms have imprinted on them at atomic centre that is a mirror reflection of the He-BEC singularity. The closer one gets to the point of the singularity the heavier one becomes and also the slower time appears.

Space and time within an atom are controlled by the singularity as well as the event horizon. Yes, the atom has an event horizon like a black hole but inside the event horizon we have a nucleus, and it is golden in colour. Inside of the sphere of golden light there are nuclear orbitals for mesons and within the gluons there is a field of photons.

The orbital electrons and positrons in the SUSY inversion model contain electromagnetic force carrying photons. The photons in the electron orbitals are well known and the Fraunhofer lines are an example of each atom’s electromagnetic orbital transitions that provide structural features of light within each atom.

As previously outlined the Gravitational force is inverted in the SUSY inversion model in the gluon fields between Up and Down quarks. The Hadron proton and neutron have mesons interacting with them via the quark interaction with its quantumly entangled electron or positron. So, there is a connection between the orbital layers and the nucleus atomic layers within the event horizon. This is a model that provides predictive power. The decay of the atom via the Weak Force provides structural information. Additional structural information is also obtained from the Tau and Top and Bottom quarks, and muon and Strange and Charm quarks, that are earlier generations of particles in the Standard model of physics. Just like families the Tau generation (Grandparents) have children of the muon generation (mother and father) and the electron and Up and Down quarks are the children of those Muon parents.

The space-time relationship of Tau at 10^-13 second and Muon at 10^-6 second gives the order of half-life and provides a window to the beta decay events and the muon and Tau appear to be distance cousins time wise, staying with the family generational analogy. The heavy weight of the Tau generation is due to the proximity to the singularity during the decay process. As mentioned previously, the atoms undergo decay through its centre at the singularity which inverts the quark and electron or quark and positron. We can then understand that the Tau and muon are part of this journey to becoming a stable atom. It is the time distance relationship that hints at this phenomenon in the W Boson beta decay event.

Mesons are around 2.19E-13 m and the inverse give 4.57E+12 m as a distance when squared gives a distance corresponding to the electron’s location in the orbital layer 2.09E+25 (when inverted is 4.8E-26), which is greater than 1/c^3 (3.7114E-26) and v^3 (3.7386E-29). The n=1 layer in hydrogen is at 5.7E+27 Planck lengths. Conversion of this number into nm by dividing by 6.25E+25 gives 91.2 nm, corresponding to the n=1 Lyman line electron transition for hydrogen.

Quick note: There is a functional relationship between nm and m with respect to the speed of light (electromagnetism) within the atoms structure.

nm = 1E+9 x meters.

Where c = 2.99E+8 and v = 2.990E+9 and the average of v and c is 1.65E+9

This number is similar to the microwave background of 1.6 mm and the 16 fundamental particles per atom in the He-BEC singularity.

Finding ways to remember numbers and their origin is important in understanding what has happened in order to create the observed outcome.