CMB - cosmic microwave background radiation

The wavelength is centred on 1.6 millimetres or 1.6eE+32 Planck lengths.

The SUSY inversion model identifies the 4E-14-meter distance (2.5E+21 Planck lengths) between fundamental particles in the He-BEC singularity to begin with. The red shift due to the expansionary phase of the universe because of faster than light emission of alpha particles from the He-BEC has resulted in a negative time dilation and expansion, or the stretching of the initial distance of 2.5E+21 to 1.6E+32 Planck lengths, which equates to a 6.4E+10 Planck lengths.

The inverse is 1.56E-11

Squared (1.56E-11)^2 = 2.44E-22

The difference between 4E-14 m and 1.6E-35 m is 2.5E+21 and the inverse is 4E-22

The difference between 4E-22 / 2.44E-22 = 1.64 which equates to the 1.64 mm wave of the cosmic background radiation. This again provides further evidence of the useful nature of the He-BEC singularity model to convey the original structure of the universe before the beginning of time.

By tuning in your TV to the static of the CMB you are viewing the start of the universe that happened 13.8 billion years ago. This allows you to see the fundamental geometry of the original universe and its red shift due to the cosmological expansion due to alpha particle emission from the He-BEC singularity.

He-BEC singularity