The mass difference between the electron and proton

By understanding quantum tunnelling and entanglement process, we can explore the origin of mass of the electron and proton as a feature of proximity to the atomic singularity. This is not using the Higgs Boson concept as the Higgs field idea is still not fundamental enough to reveal dark energy and dark matter and their decay processes which form 3/2 He from dark energy and 1/0H from dark matter.

The He-BEC model is a no mass, no charge, no space and no time model and therefore has at its foundations an atomic singularity considered as the nothingness that is more fundamental to the universe and how it operates.

By using the language of the universe in terms of differential velocities we can explore how the cosmological constants of nature are formed. This goes on before mass and charge are formed. This why it is like a prequal. Like the star wars trilogy where space and time are created by the atomic inflationary process and then mass and charge come in to fill the gaps by inflation.

Mass of proton and electron