Quantum Biology education programs

Grounded in singularity physics (SUSY inversion) and not quantum mechanics (statistics and probabilities), makes our quantum biology technology platform unique. By developing methodologies to identify the most favoured outcome prior to measurement and creating environments that favour that outcome, we can create solutions that harness natural approaches to achieve our goals by working with nature in a sustainable way. It is like selecting for the collapsed wave function without requiring measurement and energy to obtain the desired goal. Making things easy.

We choose to use an empirical, deterministic model by choosing not to interact with the system under investigation. The system operates at the point of the equilibrium between two extremes (+1 and -1). By finding the zero point, the point of balance, where every action has an equal and opposite reaction the singularity state and the universes operating parameters can be identified. It is functionally useful in understanding the outcome rather than based on quantum mechanics approach to be able to identify all possibilities through the use of statistics and probability. We do not focus on chaos or entropy but on balance point of opposites and the singularity that creates atomic stability.

Having discovered a new model for the universe’s beginning and based this on Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence reaction E=mc^2, we have discovered a new formula for the singularity at the beginning of time responsible for the generation of this universe we all live in. The He-BEC singularity is a simple model that eliminates the unknown.

It identifies dark energy (alpha particles) and dark matter (Planck particles), which is the missing 95% of the universe that science has ignored for the past 400 years.

We use Newtonian physics to unlock the functional role of positron and electron pairs within single atoms (important in the unconscious minds photonic operating system). The inverse square law relationships responsible for the W and Z Boson decays of the Weak force and how the quarks rearrange themselves naturally to produce H 1/0 and He 3/2 from dark matter and dark energy respectively. DE and DM particles having been emitted from the He-BEC singularity. You could say we have created a singularity based unified field theory by using +1 for the positron and Down quark and -1 for the electron and Up quark. It is non-interactive, does not require measurement, and is based on purely logical analysis of the scientific data. I hope you enjoy learning about the universe as much as I do. Learning how to work with the energies of the universe is as much about figuring out how to maintain your own point of view in the centre of the universe and its creative processes. Afterall, your understanding creates the very fabric of your reality. What is real and what is unreal is a matter to determine based on your own personal learning journey.