The cross can be seen in c^2 = E/M

The right-hand rule electromagnetism

I have used the rearrangement of Einstein’s equation from E=mc^2 to c^2 = E/M and rise/run on a mathematical cross. Connecting Einstein with Christ again is something that no scientist has tried to do but the models unite in the right-hand rule of electromagnetism and the hydrogen biology processes operating in the atomic systems involved in consciousness. The idea that light (electromagnetism), has no mass and no charge where m = mass in E=mc^2. The rearrangement of the equation goes from m=mass to m=magnetism and the electromagnetic theory of light. This approach has enabled exploration of light within atoms. The electromagnetic force. We can then explore inverse square law of c^2 = r^2 when c = r. This is the starting point of the He-BEC isotropic singularity. We can then use inverse square law with the right-hand rule of electromagnetism in the mathematical framework at Planck scale of no space and no time. What does this mean. It provides a toolbox to explore an atomic relativity (AR), that we can then start to understand how atoms work within us through the integration of the four fundamental forces in atomic theory.

The tools I am using arise from the He-BEC singularity which equates to understanding whereabouts the cosmological constants of nature arise. Having the underlying code for the universe in terms of its operation provides a way to explore the role of He-BEC isotropic singularity in templating atomic theory. We see through this approach that mirror symmetry (Baryonic symmetry) is functionally useful to explore how atoms operate in the aromatic ring systems.

If we see / (division) what does this mean? It creates a new one of understanding that light through division the no mass and no charge becomes both mass and charge through a tunnelling and entanglement process. In terms of E/M (electromagnetism) in atoms then we can see how light becomes mass through an entanglement process happening down at the atomic singularity. I have been able to see relationships in W Boson and Z Boson decay energies responsible for the inversion of the process whereby light is turned into mass producing a proton and electron.

Finding out what ^2 and SQRT means in terms of inverse square law provides a way to understand the inward trajectory of two particles towards one another, coming closer, means we can understand the square law function as a mirror symmetry process of out and in, within a balance that velocity out = velocity in. In this balance state, where every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Under this framework balance is obtained which equates to the cancelation of opposite actions provides a way to identify a null position, which is the third point within duality that equates to balance and a singularity within the SUSY inversion model and a new atomic theory.