Alpha calculations

The number alpha has no dimensions. The inward trajectory of the four fundamental particles gives an understanding why we have 4 Pi in the formula. The radius being h, the Planck length and the electron diameter being h^2.

ε0 is the electric constant (8.8541878128(13)×10−12 F⋅m−1

e is the elementary charge (1.602176634×10−19 C

The take home message is there is a physical singularity that corresponds to the dimensionless parameter alpha. The inversion of alpha = 1/ alpha = 137.036 is a membrane thickness on the photon bubble between the electron and positron which accounts for the separation of charge of plus and minus on the inside or outside of the bubble. The bubble provides a membrane for charge separation. This is the fine structure constant.

The inward trajectory (where the particles are getting closer together), uses 1/alpha to correct the distance between (Sqrt v + 1/ alpha) / (Sqrt c + 1/ alpha) = Pi.

It provides 4 spheres to be generated via the inward trajectory at Sqrt v + 1/alpha = 54686 m/s + 137.036 m/s.

The inversion process is linked to the inverse square law in the SUSY inversion model.

The rearrangement of E = mc^2 to c^2 = E/M is the inversion of mass into light, that occurs at right angles within the geometry of electromagnetism.

This is the process of quantum tunnelling and entanglement that creates atoms from light and how two photons can be converted into hydrogen.

alpha calculation

The calculations of the dimensionless alpha

Alpha is the fine structure constant, and it pops up everywhere in nature. Its origin is unknown, but we can take a look to see if SUSY inversion sheds some light on alpha.

1/ alpha is 137.036 and alpha is 0.00729735.

This number appears to be the distance that is responsible for the separation of the electric and magnetic charges on the inside of the bubble and the outside of the bubble. Let’s take a look.

The square root of c = 17,314 m/s and the square root of v = 54,686 m/s

When we add 17314 + 54686 = 72,000 m/s

Because alpha is 0.0072 or there abouts we can consider the following relationship

72000 / 0.0072 = 1E+7, where µ0 = 4π × 1.00000000054(15)×10−7 H⋅m−1

The relationship between 4E-14 and 4E-18 = 10,000 or 1E+4

The relationship between 4E-18 and 4E-22 = 10,000 or 1E+4

The relationship between c/v = 0.1002 or 1E-1

Therefore, alpha originates from the starting position of 10,000 x the end position 10,000 x c/v (1E-1) = 1E+7

And 72,000 / 1E+7 = alpha 0.0072

The introduction of alpha gives the following relationship to Pi.

(Sqrt v + 1/alpha) / (Sqrt c + 1/alpha) = 3.141483396

This provides context for an empirical first principle-based approach to understanding alpha in terms of v and c which comes from the He-BEC singularity and the formation of spherical particles as the tensional forces are created through the differential speed of Sqrt v and Sqrt c emitted as alpha particles DE and DM particles (inward trajectory) to the Planck scale after 13.8 billion years.