Dark energy

In the SUSY inversion model dark energy has been identified as alpha particles. The faster than light decay process is responsible for the Hubble expansion of the universe. The He-BEC singularity has a geometry of the cross where every action has an equal and opposite reaction to maintain a process that facilitates the generation of dark energy and dark matter and then dark energy decays into 3/2He and dark matter decays into 1/0H.

The conversion of the initial fundamental particles into quarks and electrons and positrons is the reverse of the W Boson mediated decay system.

The 3:1 ratio of dark energy : dark matter is 3 out and 1 in.

In hydrogen we have 3 in : 1 out with the 3 quarks and 1 electron. The same is true for the neutron and positron in the anti-hydrogen formation which originates from dark matter.

The entanglement between dark energy and dark matter means that as the quarks and positron form from dark matter then inverse is happening in the dark energy. The entangled state is what enables transformation to occur without exogenous energy source and the universe therefore operates self consistently in maintaining the zero state as the most favoured energy state. This is the duality state of equal and opposite.

The entanglement provides the interconversion between positive in negative but the initial separation of dark energy out and dark matter in from the He-BEC singularity provides a separation of 3/2He from dark energy and 1/0H from dark matter.

3/2He has a -2 charge if you add all the charges together. It contains 2 positive protons and 1 negative neutron but also has one positron and two electrons so also has an overall self-consistent charge of zero giving it stability.

1/0H has a charge of +2, if you add all the charges together and also an overall charge of zero given the neutron is -1 and the positron +1. Using both charge calculations approach one can understand the ability of 3/2He and 1/0H to be attracted to each other as well as stable in the SUSY inversion balanced state.

The formation of He-H is proposed to be another step along the road the universe has taken to form what we call solid matter physics. The lamb shift, also, known as the lamb of God.

Dark energy