Consciousness and the physics of the unconscious mind

The experience of consciousness is explained through a logical framework that starts with understanding the universe and our place within it. The observer in the observation. The observation within the observer.

The hard problem of consciousness

Hydrogen electron transition lines


The Paschen lines, n=3, NH3+ atomic cross and the wavelength of infrared light (820 nm) that results in the tunnelling of hydrogen into the single atom housed in the aromatic ring of the dopamine neurotransmitter.

Quantum tunnelling and entanglement and isotope physics

The generation of isotopes in biology and the role of time reversal symmetry plays in the experience of consciousness. The direction of time flowing from high energy to low energy from UV to infrared as the isotope decays and releases its light.

Time reversal symmetry

IThe role of isotope physics in the unconscious mind where time is reversed in order of photons where the vision obtained runs in an order where the furthest time appears first, and the current time is the last image observed. The sequence of events revealed the physics operating behind the light memory storage system and the physics happening within the mind responsible for sight within. Our retina point inwards. We see our dreams at night. Love thy neighbour as thyself as it is the photons of light from another that are observed within the minds eye. A lens made of s orbitals of hydrogen and a way to observe the spectrum going from high energy to low energy in the directional flow of time from isotope decay physics we obtain a time and the velocity based on the binding kinetics we get to understanding the distance. In effect a space time holographic reality observed within the singularity physics model of atomic decay. The single atom system operates in the faraday caged of the aromatic ring within the neurotransmitter dopamine where the hydrogen delivery system from the NH3+ atomic cross provides a light operating system to generate isotopes within the ring through infrared mediated quantum tunnelling. Time is a function of distance in the atomics of clocks where half-lives of atoms mediate experiences of reality. An underpinning atomic light operating system of our unconscious mind and unlocking what is happening behind the veil of reality.