Quantum entanglement

Quantum entanglement provides an unseen connection between two things that have been connected previously and remain connected no matter how far apart you take them.

The inversion symmetry model is great for allowing entanglement between the very big and the very small. The inversion of the Planck scale 1.6E-35 meter and its reciprocal 6.25E+34 meter. The inversion of the atomic and cosmic connections are linked back to the beginning based on the He-BEC isotropic singularity c^2 = E/M or the electromagnetic geometry of the original singularity.

The singularity within each atom connects the atom back to the singularity before the beginning of time itself. The ability of photons to connect to the singularity by going into the centre of the atom and this connection to time itself provides a connection that only requires a short distance to be travelled by the inverted reality is that the connection between two distance points has been traversed at faster than light speeds.

As SUSY inversion is not limited by the speed of light. The expansion of the universe (inflationary processes) is due to the velocity of alpha particles emitted from the He-BEC singularity that occurred faster than the speed of light c = 299792458 m/s. The calculations are based on converting the binding energy of an isotope and converting this into KJ/mol corresponding to a emitted energy at a velocity (m/s) of atomic decay happening within the mind, the unconscious mind outside of the neuron in the fluid milieu. Therefore, the mind can experience faster than light processes and give the person who sees the hadron jets originating from the gluon field an experience of time travel, or if this happens at night an experience of a dream. When it happens at night, and you have REM dreams things are considered normal. When this happens during the daytime you get to see things that no longer make sense in terms of the material world because light is being released from an atom during its decay that corresponds to things not being observable to others. Kind of like a daydream the minds ability to project images and see things that are not there is part of the imagination. This is often dismissed and often not encouraged in children. However, it is that imaginative play and scenario planning that is necessary for strategic thinking and gaining a new understanding how things are working rather than just accepting the status quo.

The processes happening within the unconscious part of the mind are determined by the atomic half-life of the single atoms housed in the aromatic ring of the neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters in this model of consciousness are proton atomic machines and the protons are doing quantum tunnelling and entanglement to manufacture atoms based on the light they observe in order to build atomic memory systems. Building hydrogen into atoms and then atoms into the building blocks of neurons via the light mediated chemistry operating outside of the neurological conscious mind. The atomic decay process gives the photon release to provide the information for the neuron to observe in the stream of consciousness. An inner observation of reality based on isotope physics provides a framework in which to explore the hard problem of consciousness. However, the atomic timings offer atomic clocks for one to explore key features of our directional experience of time. It is a solution that offers hope to understanding the hard problem of consciousness.

The quantum entanglement generated by isotope physics and the generation of superposition of states in the aromatic ring (many isotopes of the same atom), provides a connection between the universe and our experience of reality, as it goes beyond the objective reality of time by the decay of light from atoms that generate faster than light velocities. This provides a transcendence experience. The perception of visible light shifts into the UV (Lyman line transitions) and one witnesses a golden sphere of light within the nucleus of the atom as it decays, it releases images of future events in a person’s life that results in a shift in the appreciation of the origin of time itself and the direction of time happening in terms of high energy to low energy as the atom undergoes the decay process to release the observable light that we experience of reality.

Photons and entanglement

Tunnelling of electrons creates and entangled fluid. This has been generated using a photo-Fenton system that breaks down biological molecules into CO2 and water. What this shows is that atoms can form coherent structures through photon mediated radical chemistry and this property of light structures biology in a similar way to cymatics but does so in a near instant way.

The use of light to create structures in biology underpins how DNA operates as a proton tunnelling source for the creation of light-based codes that operate a quantum process for the production of proteins.

The role that hydrogen plays in biology is in terms of its structural light field that positions positron and electron into the appropriate location within each atom based on the inverse square law relationship of atomic decay.

Light decay parameters provide the basis for structuring biological systems. Single atom systems therefore provide a unique light-based operating system that templates inner geometry within an external mirrored symmetry to create the sided mirror symmetry in our anatomy.

If you consider the left side of the brain controlling the right side of the body and the right hemisphere of the brain controlling the left side of the body. This template originates from the mirror symmetry state of hydrogen and its time reversal symmetry and the balance of opposites that occurs in the isotope physics decay process. It is the instability of the hydrogen atom in all its many forms that creates the functional anatomy of our biology.

Atoms can be created by hydrogen. Not only in starts but in biological processes that have the correct geometry.