Time and our perception of reality

The unconscious minds ability to create time for the conscious minds perception of reality. We c in 3D with single atoms housed in the ring

It is a simple model. The mind uses atoms to create our perception of time. The atoms that operate as the tie keepers of our experiences of reality are found in a unique location. It is a quantum location. A location that only allows one atom to be present at a time. A location that is protected from the external environment so that the atom has the time to do its thing. It is this location that provides the quantum superposition. The place where there is only enough space for one atom is in the centre of the aromatic ring. This is connected to our neurotransmitters. Dopamine is an example.

The ring holds one atom at its centre. It gives a 3D box like perspective. The electron travels around the ring and has to travel 720 degrees. That is 120 degrees x 6 = 720 degrees. The electron is considered to have a spin of -1/2 which means it needs to do two complete rotations of a sphere before it returns to the original location. Like travelling around a sphere twice or in this instance it travels once around the hexagon ring of the neurotransmitter dopamine. My model suggests the -1/2 spin correlates with this single atom physics quantum location and this is the toolbox we must use to understand the unconscious mind and how it operates.

Science is taught from the stable atom perspective in biology. That we are carbon-based life forms. I must disagree with that assumption because that model is full of assumptions. It assumes that all biochemical reactions worth knowing involve a carbon atom. Part of our organic chemistry. Part of our physical body. The model of carbon is functional because of its ability to create energy through metabolism. ATP and the energy of the biochemical processes happening within the cell. Unfortunately, carbon is not the central element for metabolism. You do not see carbon gradients in the mitochondrial membrane to create ATP from carbon combining with oxygen and the terminal electron oxidative phosphorylation process. It is hydrogen that plays this role. So my focus is hydrogen-based life and not carbon. Evolutionary speaking hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table and therefore it is the foundations of all. Seen through the lens of hydrogen the following model starts to make more sense. The ring system is the house for the single atom that receives hydrogen and generates an isotope (see image below).

aromatic ring box