The mathematical model for the He-BEC singularity is beautiful. The number of fundamental particles per atom of helium in the quantum superfluid is 16. The separation of the He-BEC singularity (homogenous universe at time zero) into Dark energy and Dark matter happens to occur in the 3:1 ratio, respectively.

The emission of alpha particles from Helium Bose Einstein Condensate (He-BEC) isotropic universe occurs at 2,990,637,811 m/s. Why this speed? This relates to a delta distance of 4E-14 meters between each fundamental particle in the He-BEC quantum superfluid. Each fundamental particle is comprised of two Planck lengths at right angles to each other. The Planck epoch length is 1.6E-35 meters.

The difference between 1.6E-35 m and 4E-14 m is 4E-22 meters. The square root of the Planck length is 4E-18 meters. The difference between the delta distance between the fundamental particles in the He-BEC and diameters of the fundamental particle (4E-18 m) is 10,000.

The difference between the distance travelled towards one another between each fundamental particle after 13.8 billion years (4.355E+17 seconds) at a speed of square root of 2,990,637,811 m/s (54686 m/s) gives the Planck Epoch 1.6E-35 meter, which is 4E-18 / 4E-22 = 10,000.

This symmetry between the Planck length and electron / positron scale is obtained using inverse square law photon decay principles. The square root of the Planck scale therefore indicates the scale of the electron and proton pair that arise from the singularity to maintain inverted symmetry and Charge parity (CPT).

What this means is the features of the He-BEC singularity correspond to the universe as we know it today. This provides the basis for the logic behind SUSY inversion and the mirror symmetry of opposites. The model is therefore consistent with reality.

Whereabouts does the speed of light originate from. If you take the alpha particle emission velocity of the 12 fundamental particles from the He-BEC model at the speed of 2,990,637,811 m/s as the velocity based on KJ/mol distance of 4E-14 m, then the speed of light is approximately 9.97 times slower than emission velocity. This accounts for a negative time dilation and an inflationary phase of the universe from its original homogenous state.

Considering the cosmic microwave background radiation of 1.6 mm corresponding to 1.6E-32 meters, our own universe started from a single cell that had a diameter c^2 = 8.9875518E+16 meters. Where the radius of the He-BEC singularity was the distance of the speed of light travels in one second (r = c). This model provides the following logic. We can substitute c^2 for r^2 in all of the formula for charge and gravity. As such the interchange of r and c provides a framework to understand how to integrate Einstein’s most famous equation into an atomic and cosmological framework of SUSY inversion or mirrored symmetry.

He-BEC singularity and the start of the universe.