Inverse square law

Newtonian physics uses inverse square law. The origin of G and Ke can be understood in terms of the inverse (inward trajectory of 4 fundamental particles arising from the He-BEC singularity), the square and square root provides a context for the outward velocity in balance with the inward trajectory. The balance of velocities in opposite directions respectively, where SQRT v^2 = v.

Out means moving further apart and in means moving closer together. In, would be blue shifted as the wavelengths are getting shorter and out, red shifted as the wavelength increases.

The SUSY inversion model uses inverse square law relationships between positron and electron pairing within the structure of single atoms operating within the aromatic ring system of phenolics bound to the royal jelly proteins isolated from Manuka honey in the product OH BEE HAVE empowering healing.

The tunnelling of hydrogen into the aromatic ring and the positioning of the positron and electron pairs within the quantum confined environment of the aromatic ring, which behaves like a Faraday cage to protect the single atom from the surrounding noise of the unconscious mind, generates the isotope that operates at the half-life timing to code atomic time in the experience of reality, which is observed as the light comes out of the isotope at higher energy and decays to a lower energy via the inverse square law expansion of the photon bubble.

The amine acts as the atomic cross in the delivery of hydrogen into the aromatic ring. It falls three times from the n=3, infrared Paschen lines into the centre of the single atom housed in the ring structure.

Let there be light and there was.

Single atom systems