h - Planck’s constant and the Planck length 1.6E-35 meter

Where does h come from?

If we consider the inward trajectory as the square root speed of v (v = 2990700000 m/s), then the inward trajectory happens at 54,687 m/s. After 13.8 billion years. Light has travelled inward from 4E-14 meters, wavelength distance between fundamental particles in the He-BEC singularity, and 1.6E-35 meter which is the distance between fundamental particles down at the singularity within each atom. The difference between these two numbers is 4E-22 meters. Because the fundamental particles are travelling towards one another the square root of their speed is equivalent to the outward speed.

The speed outwards are therefore balanced with the speed inward. If every action has an equal and opposite reaction, then one action cancels the other action out and it is as if neither action has happened but in fact both have happened seemingly by magic a simultaneous balance of opposites to maintain a zero state in order to maintain the first law of thermodynamics where energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transformed. This non-Big Bang approach to the creation of the universe through the SUSY inversion model and the He-BEC isotropic singularity. The transformation occurs through alpha particle emission from the helium Bose Einstein Condensate. Maintaining this balance of opposites provides a novel window in which to explore the functional transitions of change in our universe in the creative process that creates the universe we live in. This self organisation process is therefore able to be seen as the dark energy and dark matter processes are also reflected in the atomic model of hydrogen and this provides a basis for the self organisation of the universe as we know it through measurement.

13.8 billion years equates to 4.3495E+17 seconds. If we take sqrt of v at 54,686 x 4.3495E+17 = 2.38158E+22

Inverse of 2.38158E+22 = 4.1989E-23

The square root of 4.1989E-23 = 6.47989E-12

Multiply 6.47989E-12 by v/c (9.975693955) = 6.46414E-11

Big G = 6.67E-11

The alternative calculations for Big G are seen here and this is based on the inversion of v (the velocity of alpha particle emission. This number was determined to be 6.7007 E-11 which was also similar to Big G. The SUSY inversion model uses the average of the two approaches which may be more accurate to give the desired calculations aligned with Big G. What this does is give you an understanding of how to integrate gravity into atomic theory at the singularity. This provides a way to explore the influence of gravity in the quantum biological processes happening within isotope physics that are operational in the unconscious mind.

This suggests that gravity is a function of the inward distance travelled by light after 13.8 billion years down to the singularity of 1.6E-35 meters from 4E-14 meters, which is the original distance the fundamental particles were apart in the helium Bose Einstein Condensate before the beginning of time.

Therefore, h originates from the gravitational force of implosive trajectory at the square root of the speed of alpha particle emission from the He-BEC singularity where v = 1990700000 m/s. This provides evidence for the origin of h the Planck length and its presence in all atomic structures. It is the atomic singularity that is playing a role in atomic decay processes. This is the reference point through which quantum tunnelling and entanglement processes appear to be operating. The two-photon light system is being tied together to form hydrogen by going from two positrons and two electrons to give three quarks and an electron. So, 2 x 2 creates a 3:1 in the quark electron configuration. It is proposed that this rearrangement equates to c^2 = E/M going to E=mc^2 and the generation of mass and charge from two photons. This is what the tunnelling and entanglement process produces in terms of making hydrogen from photons of light.

It is proposed that this rearrangement operates in a biologically relevant manner accounting for the quantum phenomenon involving tunnelling of protons through energy barriers as the proton can travel as a two photon system.

The mirror symmetry model of the atom (SUSY inversion model) provides the lens through which the singularity He-BEC with a diameter of c^2 is inverted to 1/c^2 in the model of the atomic structure of each atom. The inversion process occurred because of the inward trajectory at the square root of the velocity of alpha particle emission from the He-BEC isotropic singularity. This model is fundamental to understanding biological processes not from the materialism perspective of atoms but from the quantum biological properties of electromagnetic properties of atoms and their transportation from one place within a cell to another. This suggests that biology and biophotons is critical in motion and transportation of atoms around cells in a process that could be considered similar to teleportation. It is unbelievable but consistent with photon communication systems like Wi-fi in some respects but uses proton biological transportation mediated through photons.

This can be observed in the following video.

Biophoton mediated communication

Consider how the photons are transmitted from one place and absorbed elsewhere. It could act as a functional biophoton mediated migration and communication system. Single atoms house in the aromatic rings of neurotransmitters or in this case phenolics appear to do some strange things. It is discoveries like this that change the way you understand how biology works.