2 by 2 and 3 by 1

The power of four. Why is four important in the universe? If we consider the dark matter made up of two positrons and two electrons, then this original form of matter would be considered the son of the He-BEC Father. The son (DM) has a +2 charge and contains a neutron, (Down, Up, Down quarks) and a positron (+1). There are four particles that decay into a form of hydrogen known as anti-hydrogen, also known as 1/0 H.

Quick note: The Up quark in SUSY inversion has a -1 charge and comes from a positron via inversion. The Down quark is positive (+1) charge and originates from the electron in the orbital via inversion through the singularity.

If we count all quarks and positron, we get a total of four particles. The same is true for the electron and proton (containing three quarks) in this case it is UP Down Up, and the overall charge is +1 determined using this calculation (-1 x +1 x -1 = +1). The electron is having the -1 charge and together the proton and electron add to give 0 charge and the positron and neutron add together to give a zero charge.

However, if you look deeper the neutron with the (+1 x -1 x +1 = -1) and positron (+1) have 3 positively charged particles and only one negatively charged Up quark. This is because the quark that was a positron becomes negatively charged through inversion in the inverse square law relationship that occurs through the singularity physics creation of the atom from two photons of light in a cross based geometry.

Yes, atoms are made from light but in a special way that super cool. I discuss this more in the Weak force generation of the mesons (photons) and gluons (photons). We can consider the process quickly by understanding a photon contains both electron and positron in a special relationship at right angles to one another which cancels out the charge and mass and makes the photon a special form of matter that makes atoms.

By inverting one of the electrons and transforming it into a quark (+1 Down quark), the other two positron and electron can be surrounded by the meson photon created by the positron to form the neutron and a positron that was part of the photon with the transformed electron becomes the partner to the +1 Down quark formed in the orbital layers of the atom. This provides an entangled pair of Down quarks +1 and positron +1. The other photon containing the electron and positron are encapsulated in the inversion process and the entangled pair create the 3 quarks and 1 positron or the three quarks and the one electron. Depending on the Up and Down quarks.

In beta plus decay and beta minus decay the exchange of Up and Down quarks occurs but the exchange is actually occurring through the singularity with the appropriate entangled electron or positron depending on who the decay partner is within the atomic dance. I will discuss the details of the beta decay processes on another page.

As you can see by the model. It provides a 2 by 2 arrangement and then a 3 by 1 arrangement and the reconfiguration of the 2x2 to 3:1 occurs via the tunnelling and entanglement of photons of light into atoms of mass and charge. I will discuss more about the photon model developed and how distance, frequency and energy relate to one another.