Time reversal symmetry
Time reversal symmetry is weird. Physics tells us that all time is happening all the time. It is a matter of a different wavelength of light that provides us with evidence of the moment creation happened 13.8 billion years ago. The so-called Big Bang. I do not prescribe to the Big Bang because matter would not come together in such a scenario where everything is flying apart. The model of the Big Bang has too many flaws for my liking. That is why I explored SUSY inversion as an alternative.
Time reversal symmetry and Deja Vue and the light within dreams all come to together in the isotope physics of the unconscious mind.
The directional flow of time
SUSY inversion provides a negative time dilation with faster than light expansion of the universe from the He-BEC singularity (cosmic inflation) as well as a mirrored symmetry state in atoms based on the formation of dark matter and dark energy in a 1:3 ratio. Where DM form 1/0H and DE forms 3/2He and the decay generates atoms, and the atoms are attracted to each other because of the equal but opposite charges -2 (3/2 He) and +2 (1/0H). This forms He-H which is the first element of matter that forms the early form of nuclear energy in star formation.
Time came into being when alpha particles were emitted from the He-BEC singularity. There are different ways to look at time. Second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century, 1000 years, megaparsec (Mpc). A light year. The universe is expanding at a rate corresponding to the Hubble constant which is around 72 km/ m/s/Mpc. A megaparsec is one million parsecs, or about 3,260,000 light years.
Our experience in time is determined by the frequency we operate at. If the direction of time is a human experience, which I believe it is, it is dependent of the physics of light observed within the mind. When the physics of light observed within the mind is dependent on the electron transitions of hydrogen in neurotransmitter function and isotope physics decay timings based on half-lives. Our experience of time is direction because of the atomic decay of light from the centre of the atom goes from high energy (short wavelengths of light) to low energy (long wavelengths of light). From UV to visible to infrared.
Light and E/M
The light we see is bounded by UV and infrared. UV high energy (short wavelengths) and infrared low energy (longer wavelengths).
Hydrogen = light
The orbital layers of hydrogen provide the light we see. The three layers in hydrogen provide UV, visible and infrared light. This is what our mind uses to create the light that we see in the mind.
n=1 Lyman layer UV light
n=2 Balmer layer visible light
n=2 Paschen layer infrared light
Hydrogen and tunnelling
rom the Paschen lines hydrogen can tunnel into the aromatic ring to create the isotope (the single atom of light), which stores memory as light (electromagnetism within the atom). The amine NH3+ is the source of hydrogen for the generation of the light within the atom. All transitions of electrons from n=2 Balmer layer give visible wavelengths of light. The atomic decay of the atom in the aromatic ring is based on the isotope half-life, which provides a decay from high energy to low energy, and this provides the directional flow of time experienced as reality. This is happening outside of the neuron. In the extracellular fluid. The neurotransmitters function as quantum time machines to store atomic light and generate atoms as stored forms of memory through the flow of hydrogen. They create the very fabric of your reality. The decay of the atom restores its stability. The directional flow of light out of the atom’s nucleus during the decay process and its time delayed nature provides sufficient time for the conscious mind to integrate the flow of light within and compare it to the external light environment. This gives the unconscious mind its operating system outside of the neuron and it operates at timings dependent on the isotope half-lives operating parameters and KJ/mol = velocity m/s based on the binding kinetics of the isotopes half-life as 1/second = year / 1.
These parameters provide a functional framework to explore space time within the atomic of the mind and a new functional atomic light universe that uses holographic information to provide a nm to m functionality for light within the atom to convey an external reality.