Lesson one
A bit of an overview as well as outlining the new quark charge calculations to maintain charge parity with positron and electron pairs. I also discuss the idea of the He-BEC singularity.
The new quark charges make so much more sense because of charge parity with positron and electron pairs
Mesons are the distances between protons and neutrons (also known as hadrons) in the nucleus of the atom. The centre of the atom contains a singularity. A Singularity is quite large when we consider its inverted mirror symmetry state.
The singularity is made from dark matter. The dark matter comes from the He-BEC singularity that has a mirror symmetry geometry to the atomic singularity.
He-BEC = c^2 diameter
Atomic singularity = 1/c^2
1/c^2 = mu naught x epsilon naught (black sphere)
The Planck length is the diameter of the singularity. It is the distance between each fundamental particle of dark matter that is converted into two positrons (blue) and two electrons (red) in the Planck particle that surround the singularity (black).
The Planck particle is converted into anti-hydrogen atom 1/0 H, which has one neutron and one positron in a decay process that occurs synchronously with its entangled alpha particle that was emitted from the He-BEC singularity 13.8 billion years ago. The He-BEC alpha particle decays into 3/2 He which contains two protons and two electrons and one neutron and one positron.
As outlined the decay processes generates one big electron 2E-9 m and one small positron 1.6E-35 m where the electron (-1) gets inverted and its charge changes to positive (+1) and it becomes the Down quark (+1) that surrounds the positron and electron pair at 4E-18 m. To change its charge the electron travels into the singularity and is inverted (turned inside out). The interaction between 2E-9 and 1.6E-35 gives 1.25E+26 which is 2nm scale and the distance of the of the positron away from the nucleus. As the quarks are now (+1 x -1 x +1) = -1 neutron and the positron +1 gives the W Boson (Weak force) connection between the neutron and the orbital positron.
The magic of the inverse square law, tunnelling properties of the Down quark (+1) and positron (+1) provides a +2 overall charge if the quarks are added up individually which makes them attract towards the -2 overall charge of 3/2 He. This provides the attractive force and creates the He-H atom, which provides the basis of condensation of gas into a matter form.